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Personal Data Protection Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

About US

Personal Data Protection Policy

The Town Council’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal data are described in its Personal Data Protection Policy, a copy of which is available at the Town Council office and accessible online ( Personal Data Protection Policy ). Please note that, by using the Town Council’s services, you signify that you have read, understood and agreed to relevant portions of the Policy.

The Town Council may collect and use your personal data where permitted by applicable law and for purposes that include collection of Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC), collection of mortgage instalment and rental on behalf of Housing & Development Board, processing bookings of Town Council facilities and requests for Town Council services, administration of financial assistance and S&CC instalment payment plan, administration of quizzes, surveys and polls, responding to enquires and feedback, sending updates on estate matters, and/or internal audit, publicity and research purposes.

The Town Council may disclose your personal data where permitted by applicable law to our service providers for purposes described above, to public agencies for funding, reporting, statistical, research, survey or follow-up purposes, and/or to your authorised proxies or representatives.

The Town Council may modify the Policy at any time by giving you notice via our website, newsletters and/or noticeboards. Use of the Town Council’s services after such notification signifies acceptance of the relevant modifications.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding the Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:


Sembawang Town Council

Tel: 6368 3100

E-mail: feedback@sbtc.org.sg