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Town Council Management Report


Town Council Management Report

Town Council Management Report

FY2022 Town Council Management Report (TCMR)
Results for Apr 2022 – Mar 2023
FY2022 TCMR: Qualitative Observations for Individual Town Council

Sembawang Town Council’s Performance

Our Town Council has achieved “Green” for all operational indicators under the TCMR - Estate Cleanliness, Estate Maintenance, Lift Performance, and S&CC Arrears Management.


Estate Cleanliness



Estate Maintenance



Lift Performance



S&CC Arrears Management




The Town Council’s top 5 observations for cleanliness and maintenance were:

  Type of Cleanliness Observations % of Total Observations
1  Stain and litter 77%
2  Dumped bulky item/refuse 9%
3  Cobwebs 7%
4 Moss 2%
5  Graffiti 4%


  Type of Maintenance Observations % of Total Observations
1  Obstruction of common areas 65%
2  Storage of combustible items 12%
3  Unauthorised fixtures, e.g. blinds mounted as a sun shade 13%
4  Damaged plaster/large cracks/spalling concrete 3%
5  Wild plants/weeds 1%